Please use your hall lockers to store your school supplies between classes in order to protect them from sand and radiation from the planet’s surface.

On group projects, he’s useless. He reads at a grade zero level. He was my partner for a chemistry lab and he did nothing to help with the assignment.

The Plank once again motioned that members start stuffing their bras with bags of pudding (to achieve optimum boob consistency in a second base situation).

At one table are soon-to-be graduates who invested in Bitcoin before they were ten. At another, weeping, are less-than-gifted students who bought at ATH.

Look out for signs of a playground union forming: whispered conversations and signs of hope on their faces. A happy playground is a deceitful playground.

Welcome back to our hallowed halls which, we regret to inform you, still serve as hunting grounds for the velociraptor herd that broke in last summer.