Easton’s melancholy guitargasm on “Double Trouble” is the perfect tune for when negotiations over the Stevenson account stall.

On group projects, he’s useless. He reads at a grade zero level. He was my partner for a chemistry lab and he did nothing to help with the assignment.

The Plank once again motioned that members start stuffing their bras with bags of pudding (to achieve optimum boob consistency in a second base situation).

Thanos appears as a ghost to titansplain to the Guardians that they are unwitting participants in an elaborate ritual of slasher film tropes.

At one table are soon-to-be graduates who invested in Bitcoin before they were ten. At another, weeping, are less-than-gifted students who bought at ATH.

The episode featured a 34-year-old uterus named Euterice, who says her tenant of one year, copper IUD Paragard, violated the terms of their agreement.