Lucy: “Don’t be naïve, Ethel! Until we overthrow capitalism and replace it with a more equitable economic system like communism, we’ll never be free.”

‘Global warming?’ Listen, worlds often start to run hot as they get older. Have you been performing the recommended maintenance?

The quality of the work is directly related to how tied into the alarm system the piece is. As your fingers glide down the sides you’ll notice the wiring.

Pestilence: Intern for Dr. Fauci, “This job is suffocating me. I keep telling him I can make this virus wayyy stronger and he just flat out ignores me!”

“Peanut, your kill shake is on point, but wagging your tail doesn’t sell the emotional arc of Tybalt’s muder. Go Method…”

Today, we’re here to say that we, the governing body of the Texas Adult T-Ball Association, could have done more to prevent the injuries of 73 fans…