MR. FEENY: Maybe you should leave out the phrase “Kindergarten Colonizers” in your third sentence. It comes off a bit preachy. MISS GROTKE: Preachy?!

It’s 10 minutes till your team’s meeting, and you, the team leader, just saw a news alert that the dinosaurs have returned. Uh-oh! Must be the apocalypse.

If I had tried half of the merde folle your politicians get away with today, the people of France would have had my head sooner!

Welcome to Latte Your Way, where ‘the customer is always right’ is not just a slogan – it’s the literal policy!

As Sisyphus’s Replacement, you will have the chance to work with your hands, get fresh air, and absolutely *master* stick-to-itiveness!

A student at the liberal arts college who never had to apply for financial aid is kidnapped by their financially strapped classmates and held for ransom.