“And so Alexander The Great wept…” Which I thought was weird, because me and the other warriors were going buckwild at the time.

This is the story of how four boys from Liverpool took their talent for making people’s ears bleed and turned it into culturally relevant mega-stardom.

“Smile now, dear,” he whispers. The tuna fish-scented breath mixed with stale booze wafts into your ear as his scaly fingers pinch your cheeks into a smile

Wanna know what it takes to live like a king? It’s simple really. Have a father who is a wealthy corporate takeover specialist.

“Get Well Soon, Y’hear?” (Game Show, 30 min) Terminally ill patients compete for the ultimate prize: all-expenses-paid lifesaving medical treatment.

We regret to inform you that “bird madness” is not covered by your current plan(s). We understand that this may come as an unpleasant shock.