How I miss civilised discourse with friends, now that I’m confronted with the brutality of modern commerce!

Walmart will be closing in seven minutes. We don’t want to be pushy, but it takes roughly three minutes to get from one end of the store to the other…

To connect, Microsoft recommends that users send InMail, request a Skype call, or join a Minecraft server together. Or just ask Clippy to set up a date.

Pestilence: Intern for Dr. Fauci, “This job is suffocating me. I keep telling him I can make this virus wayyy stronger and he just flat out ignores me!”

“Smile now, dear,” he whispers. The tuna fish-scented breath mixed with stale booze wafts into your ear as his scaly fingers pinch your cheeks into a smile

Wanna know what it takes to live like a king? It’s simple really. Have a father who is a wealthy corporate takeover specialist.