You could make up for earlier stumbles by totally crushing it in Pie In The Pants. They should have called it Pee In The Pants since that’s what you did.

As a session musician, I have played with some really famous artists. What I’ve noticed is, they do things a little differently than us ‘common folk’…

Grown Ups, Before They Grew Up: Sandler and the crew really put their acting chops to work as they play themselves – as babies!

20 years ago, US intelligence arrested Habib for terrorism and threw him in Guantanamo Bay. Now, it turns out they had the wrong guy all along – whoops!

Lucy: “Don’t be naïve, Ethel! Until we overthrow capitalism and replace it with a more equitable economic system like communism, we’ll never be free.”

‘Global warming?’ Listen, worlds often start to run hot as they get older. Have you been performing the recommended maintenance?