The quality of the work is directly related to how tied into the alarm system the piece is. As your fingers glide down the sides you’ll notice the wiring.

“Peanut, your kill shake is on point, but wagging your tail doesn’t sell the emotional arc of Tybalt’s muder. Go Method…”

Today, we’re here to say that we, the governing body of the Texas Adult T-Ball Association, could have done more to prevent the injuries of 73 fans…

“And so Alexander The Great wept…” Which I thought was weird, because me and the other warriors were going buckwild at the time.

This is the story of how four boys from Liverpool took their talent for making people’s ears bleed and turned it into culturally relevant mega-stardom.

“Get Well Soon, Y’hear?” (Game Show, 30 min) Terminally ill patients compete for the ultimate prize: all-expenses-paid lifesaving medical treatment.