Subscribers only: Work It made another full-colour, 25+ page magazine based on episodes 9-16. Holy macaroni!
Continue ReadingWork It: Quarterly Report #2
Hamilton-based comedy website Widget has been awarded a Grant for the Web worth $33,704 USD ($44,698 CAD).
Continue ReadingWidget awarded Grant for the Web
Dear Hiring Manager, let me begin by saying, AAAHHH! AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Continue ReadingCOVID Cover Letter
1) Coast on inherited wealth. 2) If you don’t have inherited wealth, consider becoming your handsome brother, who still has a job...
Continue ReadingCareer Counseling for the COVID-19 Unemployed
Live from the Work It red carpet, we snapped the celebs here to toast what Carl Sagan called “planet earth’s greatest podcast.”
Continue ReadingThe Red Carpet
Land yourself a nice, cushy job, drawing arrows on a whiteboard and slamming Monster Ultras for $120k a year.
Continue ReadingCrushing the Startup Interview