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16: Communik8er Boi
In this week’s episode on communications: Email Etiquette... For Girls! • Tone & Voice • The Ghost of Invoices Past Due • and more...

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In this week’s episode on communications: Email Etiquette… For Girls! • Tone & Voice • The Ghost of Invoices Past Due • and more…
- Wowza! It’s the War & Peace of communications guidebooks, Mailchimp’s Tone & Voice!
- This Abbot & Costello scene may have had some minor influence on the Hu’s Up First scene. It is arguable, in the very least.
- Here are just a couple of the many pieces about Netflix and Amy Klobuchar being nightmare employers.
- Amy Klobuchar’s abusive behaviour, laid out by HuffPost and BuzzFeed.
- Netflix’s rotten working conditions have been described by Quartz, Vanity Fair, and even the investigative journalists at Variety!
- In case you haven’t seen them (preferably in a double-feature!), here’s the “stuff” scene from The Devil Wears Prada, and here’s Alec Baldwin’s convincing turn as a huge a-hole in Glengarry Glenn Ross.
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