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15: Union Bust a Move
In this week’s episode on unions: Planet Office: Union Organizer • Union Dudes • A World Without Unions • and more...

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In this week’s episode on unions: Planet Office: Union Organizer • Union Dudes • A World Without Unions • and more…
- Yes, Sam realizes he said “episode 16” in the intro when he should have said “15”. You can’t fire him, he quits!
- Our closing banter on recent union news could send you down a reading-list rabbit hole. Here’s some pieces on:
- The ‘surging’ popularity of unions, from Gallup.
- The New Museum, from Artnet
- The dog days at Buzzfeed
- Anchor Beer’s union drive
- The Vice union
- Unionization at The New Yorker and the media industry in general
- The GMG Union
- The LA Teacher Union strike
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