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Burial Plot Reviews
We rank the season’s hottest burial plots. Dying soon? Check it out!
Shady Meadows
First up, we visited Shady Meadows Cemetery, whose plots seem cozy and serene at first. A closer look, though, betrays truly shoddy burial plots. From slovenly soil maintenance to inelegant notes of corpse-stench, the only thing worth burying here is one’s sense of good taste.
Resting Grove
Resting Grove offers cozy plots for couples—these spacious plots feature exemplary soil consistency; their hearty, voracious worms will have you wishin’ for decomposition.
St. Anthony’s
The latest plots at St. Anthony’s are truly garish: tacky soil and oversized plots are suitable only for the deceased arriviste.
This article is adapted as a sketch in Work It, episode 11!