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Basic Satire & Humour Writing…
Satire is often called the “comedy of outrage.” It’s a form of writing that uses the deep emotions of the author to express a point of view through comedy. In this workshop, taught by Riane Konc, you’ll look at satirical examples, learn tips and tricks, discuss different formats that work for The New Yorker’s “Shouts & Murmurs” section and McSweeney’s and learn a repeatable brainstorming process to use going forward to create topical and evergreen satire.
Riane is a humor writer and occasional essayist living in the Midwest. She’s a frequent contributor to the New Yorker, and her work has also appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, McSweeney’s, Mad Magazine, Reductress, Paste Magazine, Parents Magazine, and more. She teaches satire and humor writing online for Second City, and her first book, a “choose your own adventure”-style parody called Build Your Own Christmas Movie Romance, came out in 2019. Find her online at www.rianekonc.com, and on Twitter @theillustrious
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