01: The Omega Protocol

Golf, robots, and E.M. Forster all make an appearance in episode 01 of Spooky Radio, the world‘s greatest comedy podcast.
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01: The Omega Protocol

The pilot episode of Spooky Radio, the world’s greatest comedy podcast! One day you’ll tell your grandkids where you were when you heard this podcast killed Princess Di! (Your memory will be a little imprecise at this time. You will be very helpless, FYI.)

This show features a golf game gone awry, an interview gone awry, and some jokes gone most awry indeed. The awryest!

If you like the show, please share widely and please feel obliged to support us on Patreon as if your children’s life depended on it. It might…

Feat. Sam Allemang (Spooky), Chris Morris (http://twitter.com/chrisdecarteret), Janet Mowat (http://janetmowat.wordpress.com).

Reading List

  • The “Ooga booga, Chattanooga” ghost story also appears as a post on Spooky.
  • Several of the “jokes” also appear as quotes on Spooky. Such pithy brilliance!
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